Data Parrot Focuses on Product Development and Recruitment with Grant

June 12, 2024 | By Sarah Van Velsor


Arlington Economic Development announced the latest recipients of Catalyst Grants from the Arlington Innovation Fund (AIF). After a thorough review process, four Arlington-based startups have been awarded a total of $175,000 in grants. These companies have shown exceptional promise in innovation and potential for significant impact in their respective fields. 

Data Parrot is one of the Catalyst Grant recipients and an AI company that enhances businesses’ understanding of customer data. Their platform transforms raw CRM (Customer Relationship Management) data into actionable insights, driving value through dynamic dashboards and strategic recommendations. We spoke with Founder and CEO Chris Hamoen to learn more about Data Parrot and how they plan to use the grant funding.

Tell us about your company and how it will innovate your respective industry?

Chris: Data Parrot is an AI native revenue analytics platform. We are giving every company automated, proactive and dynamic insights into their revenue data to predict and grow with confidence.

Simply put, Data Parrot is your dream CRM data analyst.

The lack of quality revenue analytics is a $3 trillion problem! 85% of companies have no data analyst which means that leadership including VP Sales, CROs and CEOs spend up to 30% of their time cleaning and exporting data to xcel to build reports and try to find insights and trends.

Today, anyone using HubSpot can sign up and get AI driven sales pipeline inspection, trend analysis, prioritized notifications, and more. We will be adding integrations with Slack, MS Teams, Salesforce, Apollo and many other tools in the revenue stack.

How will grant funding from the Arlington Innovation Fund impact your growth plans?

Chris: The Catalyst Grant helps us in two ways:

Non-Dilutive Capital: This grant allows us to spend more time building our product and less time raising pre-seed capital. We’re a team of 4 software engineers and it’s super important to us to focus all our time on product velocity and continuing to drive value for our very happy customers.

Awareness for future recruitment: Not many people know this, but Northern Virginia has the second highest talent density for AI. By collaborating with Arlington County through this grant, it will increase our exposure to the local community and help us recruit top talent to support our growth.

How long has your company been in Arlington and what made you choose Arlington as a place to do business?

Chris: My wife and I moved to Northern Virginia from Toronto in 2019 and love it. Her company is already in Crystal City, so we became very familiar with the area. With Data Parrot, we moved into the ZeBox space in December 2023 for three reasons: recent developments in National Landing, central access to transit and a growing tech community.

Arlington also awarded grant funding to three other Arlington startups: KnoNapPryze and SportAI.

For more information about the Arlington Innovation Fund and/or to stay apprised of potential funding opportunities in the future, please visit

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