Small Business Focus: K.J. Wilson Law, PLLC

September 29, 2023 | By Alex Held

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K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC, led by its founder and estate planning attorney, Kristen J. Wilson, has been a beacon of trust and vision for the Arlington community since its inception on June 21, 2022. The firm’s core mission revolves around helping individuals and families navigate the intricate landscape of estate planning. From drafting essential documents like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and operating agreements to providing expert guidance on tax minimization and probate avoidance, K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC, stands as a pillar of support in estate planning.

The journey began with a proactive connection to BizLaunch. This pivotal moment significantly impacted the trajectory of this budding law firm. Through BizLaunch’s personalized counseling and insightful events like Brunch and Business, the founder received invaluable advice on refining marketing strategies, enhancing client retention, and expanding their professional network. “BizLaunch has been a game-changer for me,” says Wilson. 

Its legal expertise and estate planning approach set K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC apart. “I make the estate planning experience positive, forward-thinking and design-centered. Clients are encouraged to engage their imagination, envisioning life’s infinite possibilities while crafting their estate plans,” says Wilson.

The firm is rooted in Arlington and benefits from the vibrant community of small businesses and startups that foster collaboration and support. However, it has its challenges. The competitive landscape can be demanding, requiring resilience and adaptability. Yet, the founder is determined to thrive, bringing her unique approach and innovative strategies to stand out amidst the bustling small businesses.

As the firm looks ahead, the vision encompasses expansion and diversification. Over the next five years, K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC aims to broaden its scope, addressing the complexities of strategic tax planning, philanthropic giving, and cross-border wealth transfer. The firm aspires to serve a more diverse clientele, including entrepreneurs, athletes, and entertainers, establishing themselves as trusted advisors in estate planning and wealth transfer within the Arlington community.

In the heart of Arlington, where entrepreneurial spirits flourish, K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC, stands ready to sculpt legacies and empower families. With a commitment to compassion, creativity, and a forward-thinking approach, this firm leaves an indelible mark on the landscape of estate planning in Arlington and beyond.

For more information about K. J. Wilson Law, PLLC, visit   


Listen to Attorney Kristen Wilson talk about estate planning topics on a recent episode of Legacy Leaders Podcast.


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